explore albania


Why explore Albania? It has so much to offer the traveler who enjoys going off the beaten path and seeing and experiencing somewhere with an edge and funky vibe.  The people are warm & friendly and ready to help. You can experience some city life in Tirana. The seaside on the Albanian Riviera may just be the most beautiful I’ve ever seen! Hills, mountains, lakes, history, coffee, byrek, and the list continues.  It’s not a typical place for a tourist to visit, and that’s part of the appeal. Nothing is quite on schedule or quite goes by a schedule. What’s not to love? This is a place to be experienced, not simply to see sights.  Keep that in mind, and you’ll leave adoring this beautiful country. Now, let’s explore Albania!

Quick Facts about Albania:

Capital: Tirana

Language: Albanian (Shqip)

Currency: Lek (ALL)

Population: 2.8 million + as of January 2020

Area: 11,100 square miles

Dialing Code: +355

Time Zone: UTC + 1

Emergency/Police: 112

Ambulance: 127

Location: Balkan region.  Southeastern Europe on the Adriatic & Ionian Seas. Bordering Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Greece.

Explore by Itinerary

Albania Itinerary